Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Night Running versus Daytime

Easy 3 miles yesterday once I got actually going. First 1.5 were really didn't help that Lady had to stop to use the facilities 5 times once we started running...she hasn't adjusted to evening runs either. 3 miles in 33:42. Not great but given the potty breaks it's not too bad.

Yesterday's evening run made me think of the pro's and con's of daylight running.

Pro: You are aware of your surroundings so no possibility of wild animal attacks.
Con: More dogs in peoples back yards which leads to barking and Lady not being such a great running partner
Pro: Sun is warm...mmmm warmth
Con: Whether it be Lady or I, pooping in a field during daylight hours seems less than socially acceptable
Pro: Great feeling after finish
Con: Dramatic reenactments of songs normally hidden by darkness are no longer hidden (seriously Mile 4 in the KC half was spent developing a dance to M.I.A. "Paper Planes"'s good not great.
Pro: Less chance of getting hit by paperboy driving like a madman
Con: Higher chance of getting hit by all other cars since there is no traffic at 5 AM
Con: People can see when you flip off their barking dog (yap, yap b@st@rds)

I can see the positives and negatives for run today just a little bike action. Keep on keepin' on.

1 comment:

Marcy said...

The bathroom this is A HUGE bonus for the dark hrs HAHA